Specialist partners in Oil & Gas
iMbokodo, from the Zulu word meaning ‘large rock’, delivers offshore exploration in the oil and gas sector.
Technical Experience in Oil & Gas
Dynamic Deal Flow and Industry Insights
A Positive Impact in South Africa
Working with Global Leaders in Oil & Gas
We partner with IOC’s in upstream activities that also empower our communities, ensuring they develop and grow the Oil and Gas sector at large.
About Us
What iMbokodo has to offer
We explore and gather deep insight into Oil & Gas projects, their management teams and their potential in South Africa. Our in-depth knowledge of the industry, and the leaders within it, unlock significant investment opportunities and revenue potential. South Africa has been the recent source of a few abundant finds and we operate close to the ground to recognise and create value from these opportunities.
Asset Analysis
Our strong network means we have the capacity to access prime opportunities and exploration acreage. We understand how to generate value in an asset and determine the path to pursue growth. Our knowledge of existing assets enables us to maximise production capacity with financial efficiency.
Impact Investments
Our Role in the Community

1 March 2020
iMbokodo creates a positive
impact in Oil and Gas
iMbokodo, a recent female empowered entrant to the oil and gas industry has cemented its vision for supporting communities to develop their own Oil & Gas aspirations through the launching of a Non-Profit Organization (NPO), with the singular aim of opening up access to microfinance in support of enterprise development amongst the historically disadvantaged.

20 APRIL 2020
iMbokodo supports local community by donating food parcels to relieve the poor
iMbokodo has witnessed the havoc COVID-19 has borne on communities world-wide and believe business too should play its part in alleviating the effects of the disease on local communities. In that light, through a charitable donation to the Hillsong Africa Foundation, iMbokodo has provided 134,043 meals which supported 1064 families.
The Strength of a Woman
One of the most striking geological formations is the foundation of our business: the rock. We have built on the Zulu meaning of the word iMbokodo that stems from the words meaning large rock: the source of hydrocarbons. Over millennia, in South Africa, the term is also known to symbolize the strength of a woman. iMbokodo reached a significant milestone on the 17th December 2020 when it was certified as a Historically Disadvantaged Person (“HDP”) company by Empowerdex (Pty) LTD and received its HDP certificate. Find out more about how we create transformation.